Nov 24, 2022NewsMembership Savings NOW!Give the gift of a membership at a great rate - today through Monday November 28th - during our BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Purchase in person at...
Apr 2, 2022NewsNavigating the AHLRCC websiteWebsite updates to help you find ways to engage and stay active at Augusta!
Jan 12, 2022NewsSponsorships offer promotional opportunitySponsorships are now available at Augusta Hills LRCC - promote your support of a vibrant, healthy community - donate (or advertise) today!
Apr 13, 2021projectGrand Opening!Join us on Saturday, May 1 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for an Open House as we celebrate our Grand Opening! Pick up a passport upon arrival...
Feb 12, 2021projectBeautiful things are happening!The new gym floor was installed this week! What a beautiful sight, one that means this spring greater Albion will be able to enjoy...