Code of Conduct:
Augusta Hills LRCC, a family friendly organization for people of all ages and abilities, is committed to the values of inclusiveness, healthy lifestyles, affordability, learning and fun. We want your visit to be beneficial and rewarding. We expect patrons to treat others at the facility with patience and respect, as well as respecting the property. Whether you are using the track, playing basketball, volleyball, pickleball, attending a meeting, or any other activity, you should not have to experience unsolicited advice, roughness, or verbal abuse by any other patrons. Failure to be a team player and abide by mutual rules and expectations during your AHLRCC activity, will be the reason for you to leave the premises, an action enforceable by any AHLRCC employee.
Waiver of Liability:
I, the undersigned, understand that Albion Community Center, dba Augusta Hills LRCC, assumes no responsibility for injuries, which I or anyone on my membership sustains as a result of my or anyone's physical condition or resulting from participation in any activities, programs, exercise, or the use of any facility, equipment or other activities conducted in or organized or sponsored by Augusta Hills LRCC. It is understood that children 12 years and under must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. I expressly acknowledge that I assume risk for any and all injuries and illnesses that may result. In consideration of the privilege of joining or using Augusta Hills LRCC, I hereby voluntarily release and discharge the Augusta Hills LRCC, its agents, servants and employees from any and all claims for injury, death, loss or damage that I or anyone on my membership may suffer. I understand that Augusta Hills LRCC is NOT responsible for personal property, lost or stolen while members/and or program participants are using the facility or are on the Augusta Hills LRCC premises. I also give permission to the Augusta Hills LRCC to use without limitation or obligation, photographs, video footage, tape recordings or other media that may include my image or voice for purposes of promoting or interpreting the Augusta Hills LRCC programs.