Pickleball Tournaments
See calendar for schedule
$10 entry fee
90 minutes

Flex your pickleball skills in our doubles tournaments!
Upcoming tournament dates:
Stay tuned for upcoming tournaments!
Tournament format & other important info:
All tournaments will begin at 6:30pm. Each team will play six 9-minute games with one bye round for a total of 7 rounds. The winning team for the night will receive the grand prize!
Entry fee is $10/player.
Registration is limited to the first 14 individuals to sign up (unless otherwise stated). Those who register after all slots are filled will be placed on an alternate list should anyone cancel before the start of the tournament. AHLRCC staff will confirm your participation &/or alternate list status.
Sign up at the front desk at AHLRCC or call 260-636-8000.
Past Tournament Winners:
Shamrock Smash (March 17, 2022): Renee Dodson & Shelly Dobler
Memorial Pickleball Tourney (May 26, 2022): Deb Scheffler & Brian Clark
Firecracker Pickleball Tourney (July 7, 2022): Shelly Dobler & Brian Clark
Summer Shootout (September 8, 2022): Rita Hoover & Rox Maggart
Halloween Havoc (October 27, 2022): Rox Maggart & Jeff Batesole
Turkey Throwdown (November 17, 2022): Mark Knafel & Deb Scheffler
Dink in the New Year (December 29, 2022): Brian Clark & Andrew Shaw
Dinking Dudes & Divas (January 28, 2023): Team Andrew/Tim & Team Shelly/Sherry